
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

The 2005 Nebula Award: The Short Story Shortlist

The 2005 Nebula Award: The Novelette Shortlist

Recent Reading Roundup 4

Granted, I Haven't Made an Exhaustive Review...

Everything's Already Been Said About the Movie, Pride and Prejudice Edition

That Other High Concept Detective Drama With Mars in the Title

News From the Bizarro-verse and Other "Sacrifice" Thoughts

An Open Letter to Male Film Reviewers Writing About Pride and Prejudice

Starbuck Is Dead, Long Live Starbuck and Other "Scar" Thoughts

Eight Ways in Which the BBC Miniseries Has Inspired Me Not to Read Charles Dickens' Bleak House

Everything's Already Been Said About the Movie, Brokeback Mountain Edition