In Honor of the Hiatus: Some Lost and Veronica Mars Thoughts

Lost: The first five episodes of the season confirm my worst fears for the show, and have seriously got me wondering whether I want to keep watching. They have been slow-paced (only four days have passed since the beginning of the season), repetitive (note to the writers: the 'show the same scene from different perspectives' concept can be intriguing, but not if you take it so literally as to offer us nothing more than different camera angles), padded (Hurely gives Jack a blow-by-blow recap of "Numbers", Michael spends three different episodes searching for Walt under rocks and behind shrubbery), and uninteresting (this week, watch in fascination as we learn that Sun and Jin's meeting was completely ordinary, also, will Sun find her missing wedding ring?). Not to mention that the characters have become even more annoying and unbelievable as human beings--ask some questions, you big freaks of nature! The first ten minutes of the season premiere were interesting, fun, and a big visual treat. The remainder of the first five episodes of the season was a big disappointment.

Veronica Mars: The second season is starting off slowly and perhaps a little off-kilter, but it is useful to remember that the first five episodes of the new season are head and shoulders above their first season counterparts, and are already showing great promise. I'm particularly pleased to see that for all their alleged maturity and independence, Veronica and her two suitors are failing in believably teenage ways. All three of them are letting down the people closest to them, acting selfishly and unthinkingly, and in general proving that even if you have piles of money or PI know-how, you still need to learn how to deal with people. I'm not sure how I feel about the decision to drag Wallace into the show's games of self-discovery--I enjoyed him last season as Veronica's rock, her sole connection to normalcy. But there's no question that the Wallace-centered scenes, those from "Blast From the Past" in particular, are very strong, and as long as the writers remember Wallace's status as the show's moral center (even furious at his mother and his best friend, Wallace has the presence of mind to lambast Jackie for playing a nasty trick on Veronica), I suppose I'll be able to live with the complications in his life. At this point, I have only one serious caveat and that is that I hate Veronica's hair--I liked her so much better with the short cut she sported last season.

Oh, and because I enjoy making a fool of myself in public: I think Weevil killed Felix. I find it hard to believe that Logan's chorus line kick knocked him out for very long, and I think a scuffle ensued after he woke up and realized the PCH-ers were going to kill Logan. As for the bus? I have no idea.


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